Saturday, July 11, 2009

Free Divorce Teleseminar Series in July

National Child-Centered Divorce Month

Free Teleseminar Series - July 2009

7:00 pm Eastern / 4:00 pm Pacific time

(Audio links will be available for all who miss a call)

July 8: Finding the “gift” in your divorce

Susan Allan
Jeffrey Malone
Carolyn Ellis

Can there be a “gift” for you and your children in your divorce? Rather than staying stuck in the pain, can we learn to transform adversity into opportunity? Can we use divorce to heal our wounds and help us develop into more loving, aware beings? Join three divorce experts -- Certified Mediator and Divorce Coach Susan Allan, author and founder of Thrive After Divorce Carolyn Ellis and Certified Master Integrative Coach Jeffrey Malone – as they discuss how to move beyond your divorce in the most conscious way as a positive role model for your children.

July 14: Creating a win/win Child-Centered Divorce

Michael Mastracci
Cynthia Tiano
Cindy Harari
Rosalind Sedacca

Are there alternatives to battling through divorce? Join former “killer” divorce attorney turned mediator, Cynthia Tiano, along with Collaborative attorney Michael Mastracci, Mediator and Parenting Coordinator Cindy Harari and founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network, Rosalind Sedacca – all authors of dynamic books on creating a “peaceful” divorce model for the sake of the kids – as they share their perspectives on working with or around the divorce legal system to create the best outcome for your family during and after divorce.

July 21: Healthy transitioning beyond divorce

Laura Campbell
Amy Botwinick
Belinda Rachman

What are the consequences of divorce done wrong? How do your divorce decisions affect the well-being of your children in the months and years ahead? Peaceful Divorce Mediator Belinda Rachman joins Divorce & Life Transition Coach Laura Campbell and author Amy Botwinick as they discuss strategies for moving through and then beyond divorce with dignity, self-esteem and a positive perspective for your future and your children’s.

July 28: Keys to making sound divorce decisions

Lisa Decker
Christina Rowe
Michelle Muncy

Divorce can be very costly – both physically and emotionally. Join author and divorced mother of four Christina Rowe, founder of ChildSharing, Michelle Muncy and Divorce Financial Analyst, Lisa Decker as they share insights about pro-actively planning your divorce to avoid the pitfalls of financial and psychological devastation – for you and your children. Learn the success strategies for creating a win-win divorce before signing on the dotted line – and for the months and years that follow.

To register visit

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